Are you simply paying more interest on your debt than you have to? Are your overall payments higher than they need to be? Using the equity in your home to reduce your interest costs, reduce your payments and place more money in your pockets may just the answer.
It stands to reason that if you are consistently carrying a balance on high interest credit cards and lines of credit – then it may be in your best interest to consolidate that debt into a lower rate mortgage. It may also be worth while to consolidate any other debt such as installment loans (i.e. auto loans) or 2nd mortgages into one mortgage, one payment.
With our Debt Consolidation Relief Strategy™ we can assess your current debt load to determine if it makes sense to consolidate within a new mortgage. To refinance for this purpose we can provide a mortgage for up to 80% of the value of your home to pay out the existing mortgage and designated debts.
Call your Mortgage Superhero® today to discuss your particular situation and we can advise the best way to save you money, reduce your payments and provide you with peace of mind.
Mortgage Superhero® 416-400-8107