The definition of a superhero is one that is a fictional character with superhuman powers to protect the public. Well, I am certainly not fictional nor do I possess superhuman qualities…however – I DO protect my clients AKA the public when it comes to their mortgages.
A client in Toronto once told me after I arranged their mortgage ” You are like a mortgage superhero”. The coining of this phrase stuck with me and seemed to truly reflect a sense of what I have been accomplishing for my clients. This was the trademark of the passion, expertise and enthusiasm that I bring to my business and clients each and everyday. Therefore, “Mortgage Superhero” was born.
I care deeply about my clients and work extensively to ensure that they are saved from spending more interest than they have to – bottom line. I help save them from potential poor choices regarding mortgage rates, terms, products, amortizations, lenders and much more. Essentially there is no cookie cutter approach. Each situation is unique, each client’s lifestyle is unique and I treat them in that regard.
Going back to the “Mortgage Superhero” character, once I decided to trademark this in Canada I met with fierce opposition with the greatest superheroes of them all! Marvel and DC, they joined forces to legally oppose me on the trademark. My amazing trademark lawyer kept his sense of humor and would send correspondence “Gibbons Vs Superman, Spiderman”. After a very long legal battle, my refusal to abandon the trademark and my refusal to accept a cash settlement – I won the trademark!!! So yes, you can say I am a fighter, and I am a fighter for my clients too!
Welcome to my site and welcome to my blog. I hope to be as proficient in blogging as I am at mortgages and will bring updates that are important to you as a homeowner, potential homeowner, first time homebuyer, investor in real estate -you name it! I am here to help, save you money and educate. Please feel free to comment or contact me, I would be pleased to be your Mortgage Superhero!